ghost girl - a journal - clix me
2003-01-06 - Dreams and mysteries
Inspiration, I find, stalks insomnia. At night my mind is full of rubies; when I wake, I find them sand.

Last time I dreamed that I was at school, there were displays of gems we had all been working on and at last it was the end of school, time to go home, to leave the place forever. We all filled our pockets with the gems and necklaces, chunks of crystal and jewel, knowing it wasn't ours and we weren't supposed to leave with it. With another girl, I took the elevator down to the front hall (in real life, there was no elevator), and there was my mother waiting for me. Quick, we must go, I said, not wanting my full pockets to be discovered. No, she told me, we have to wait for your sister (my sister?). Let us wait in the car outside, I said, mad to leave the building. At least let me wait in the car while you wait in here.

Then I don't remember. Amorphous swirls take over, and the memory of the dream leaves me.

I wonder, did I leave with the jewels or not?

I am not a believer in the mystic and the new age, but in a moment of need I asked Kassia for a short tarot reading, thinking perhaps that I'd stump her by asking "help," and for some details on a person in my life. Her answers surprised me with their accuracy. Help, perhaps, is an easier question to answer from someone who knows depression to another suffering from it, perspective is always easier with someone else. Spend time in nature, visit animals. Know my own power. Learn meditation. But on the person, I was amazed. I have not written about them, yet a stranger by long distance told me things which made sense of our up and down relationship, and all I gave was a first name.

Perhaps there are more things on heaven and earth. Whatever, I recommend her.

See, I will even include her pretty little picture as a link.

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step back:
Emigration, anyone? - 2004-09-25 . . . Right-wing, left-wing, chicken-wing (on global media) - 2004-09-23 . . . Benefit rant - 2004-09-21 . . . Smile, but mostly pissed - 2004-09-17 . . . Words from the edge of consciousness - 2004-09-12 . . .