ghost girl - a journal - clix me
2004-07-18 - hanging on
hanging on, those times where all you can do is sit still on the bed, and stay alive, even if it's by tearing at your skin and rocking back and forth and contemplating how to go, because going is the only thing to hold on to.

got away, a break, a change of pace, trying again to drag myself out. dragging myself out,

and resisting the temptation, the urge to phone.

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step back:
Emigration, anyone? - 2004-09-25 . . . Right-wing, left-wing, chicken-wing (on global media) - 2004-09-23 . . . Benefit rant - 2004-09-21 . . . Smile, but mostly pissed - 2004-09-17 . . . Words from the edge of consciousness - 2004-09-12 . . .