ghost girl - a journal - clix me
2003-02-16 - Marching for Peace
Dragged myself out of bed to take part in the day's massive worldwide rally against the war, one of more than 10 million people around the world who came out to protest Bush's terrorist plans. Surrounded by people carrying banners, wearing protest t-shirts, singing, dancing, beating drums, cheering with the speakers, sharing water. Forgot my camera, but there are photos from around the world all over the place, hundreds on Yahoo news and on all the sites. Check it out -- it's kind of awesome to see some of the worldwide rallies, over a million in Rome and about a million (some say up to two million) in London, Hyde Park packed with bodies. Hollywood full, New York full, cities around the world packed with people coming together for a common cause.

It raises your hopes for humanity. At least there are 10 million sane people in the world, and I'm sure when/if the war starts the protests will grow and grow.

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step back:
Emigration, anyone? - 2004-09-25 . . . Right-wing, left-wing, chicken-wing (on global media) - 2004-09-23 . . . Benefit rant - 2004-09-21 . . . Smile, but mostly pissed - 2004-09-17 . . . Words from the edge of consciousness - 2004-09-12 . . .