ghost girl - a journal - clix me
2003-02-28 - War hurts women
O the frustration of dealing with the ignorance of others!

Anyone who thinks that the US gives a flying piece of pig's shit about women's rights in other countries needs some education on the various regimes we've installed around the world. Look at El Salvador, look at Guetamala. We've supported military coups and terrorist groups who have done such things as cut women's breasts off and hung them upside down to let them bleed to death, and people think we are going to help women in Iraq? (By killing them and their children and their loved onees?) Don't they know how much rape increases during wars?


AS BUSH'S WAR drive against Iraq intensifies, so does the propaganda blitz for the hearts and minds (or the intimidated silence) of the U.S. people.

Women can expect to be a key target of this battle of words. The sacrificing mother, the grieving widow, the courageous female soldier, the ravaged rape victim -- these images are used over and over to gain women's complicity. For this reason, feminists must speak out against military conquest and expose the truth -- that imperialist war is no damn good for women.

The anti-war movement has come a long way since the 1960s, when war and peace were seen as "men's business." Today, women are strong and visible leaders in the movement, but their issues are still seen as peripheral.

The facts belie this. In today's conflicts, 90 percent of casualties are civilians. The majority of those are women and children, who also are the majority of war refugees and the majority of those who die of hunger and disease brought about by war. War's economic upheaval drives women and children into the global sex trade.

In war, the incidence of rape escalates. Rape is used to conquer and torture, and as a form of genocide. Military training encourages racism, homophobia and hatred of women to dehumanize the enemy. It also dehumanizes the troops. And when the soldiers are discharged, that training doesn't disappear. Women and children bear the brunt of post-combat stress that produces domestic violence and murder.

Here at home, the military economy is destroying social services, educational funding, welfare relief, housing programs and other human services. Everything is funneled into the defense effort, and those most in need pay the price. We have entered a period of continuous, nonstop war waged by our own government. U.S. capitalism is addicted to militarism, an addiction that is destroying humanity and ravaging this planet. The people of this country must say, no more! No more crusades to preserve the obscene wealth of corporate America. No more interventions by tinhorn dictators to "save" the women of another country.

We must demand that Bush pull U.S. troops from every place they're stationed around the world -- starting right now with the Middle East. We must call for an end to U.S. imperialism -- the economic warfare that is devastating the globe.

This country needs a revolution in priorities, a revolution in policies, and a revolution in human relations.

Working women and men need a revolution that replaces global aggression with global cooperation and a world economy that is run by the people who do the work, not those who steal the profits. Capitalism has nearly destroyed this planet. It's time to start fresh with a socialist system that promotes, life, justice and freedom.

Published on Thursday, January 2, 2002 by the San Francisco Examiner

by Helen Gilbert

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Emigration, anyone? - 2004-09-25 . . . Right-wing, left-wing, chicken-wing (on global media) - 2004-09-23 . . . Benefit rant - 2004-09-21 . . . Smile, but mostly pissed - 2004-09-17 . . . Words from the edge of consciousness - 2004-09-12 . . .