ghost girl - a journal - clix me
2002-12-29 - You're afraid of me
2002-12-25 - Merry Mithrasmas
2002-12-21 - If I could, I'd cry for you
2002-12-20 - Good things, bad people
2002-12-19 - Sleep
2002-12-15 - A Song of Me
2002-12-14 - stop telling me to live
2002-12-14 - Do you hear me?
2002-12-11 - Is there a key?
2002-12-10 - I wish
2002-12-09 - Falling in dream caves
2002-12-7 - Winter chill
2002-12-03 - It's either fear or numbness
2002-12-02 - Fall
2002-11-28 - Give me that dark warm shroud
2002-11-27 - We, the Living Dead
2002-11-27 - A consumation devoutly to be wished
2002-11-26 - Diary Rings
2002-11-26 - Where I'd Be and Who I Am
2002-11-25 - Introductory Survey
2002-11-23 - Not an entry