ghost girl - a journal - clix me
2004-02-14 - Blue Valentine
I called and this time, you answered. Where are you, you asked, you sound so near by.

That's because it's Valentine's Day.

(But I'm always near by, if you could only learn to reach out and hear me. I'm always near by, if you'd let yourself feel me. You could always see me, if only you would not close your eyes and sigh because I am not there.)

I see you in every blue pair of eyes. I hear you in every song. I feel you in every caress of the sheets.

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step back:
Emigration, anyone? - 2004-09-25 . . . Right-wing, left-wing, chicken-wing (on global media) - 2004-09-23 . . . Benefit rant - 2004-09-21 . . . Smile, but mostly pissed - 2004-09-17 . . . Words from the edge of consciousness - 2004-09-12 . . .